New Woodland Creation - Central Scotland

Property type:  Mixed upland sheep and cattle farm.

New Woodland Creation Scheme Objectives: Highly respected farmer Archie Macgregor and his son John have completed two woodland creation projects managed by Scottish Woodlands Ltd on their farm at Allanfauld for the following reasons:

  • Better use of less productive areas of the farm.
  • Creation of over 50ha of productive timber crop which will provide future income.
  • New grant supported fencing which has improved boundary and livestock management as well as protect the young woodlands.
  • Provision of future shelter for livestock on the exposed hill and creation of native woodlands along steep riparian areas to reduce erosion, aid livestock management and enhance biodiversity.
  • Positive cashflow over 5 years to allow investment in other projects on the farm. The later scheme retains eligibility to claim BPS payments.

Area planted: Planted over two years:  year 1 – 40ha CSGN mix, year 2 - 47ha commercial conifer and native broadleaf models.

Scottish Woodlands Ltd have and continue to support the Macgregor family throughout the projects. From initial ground surveys and grant application to implementation and maintenance works, right through to fully established crops, the project has been managed to create a valuable diverse asset which integrates and works alongside the existing successful farming activities and produce a positive cash flow to allow investment elsewhere on the farm.