Forest Manager attends Oxford Farming Conference

Forest Manager attends Oxford Farming Conference

A Forest Manager with Scottish Woodlands Ltd recently attended the Oxford Farming Conference - the biggest early-year event in the UK's rural calendar.


Jillian Kennedy, who is passionate about building positive relationships between all rural sectors, especially farming and forestry, wrote about her experiences in two blogs.

She attended the event as a Scholar, thanks to the Scottish Association of Young Farmers Clubs (Jillian is an active member and office-bearer) and the Ingliston Trust.


Jillian said: "There was so much to take in across the three days along with hundreds of other attendees under the theme of 'facing change, finding opportunity.”


"The Farmers Weekly Question Time panel paved the way for interesting discussion for agricultural businesses going forward. Debate over whether farmers need to be more business-focused rather than tax-payer supported led the panel into debate over the existing entrepreneurial abilities of the agricultural sector."


Read much more in her blogs here,  here, and here




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